What is ideaShopping
The full digital and innovative solution for you and your friends. A wide and varied catalogue in a multi-brand gift card.

Buy, choose from the catalog and spend
How to buy gift card on ideaShopping:
Buy ideaShopping from our catalog
Spend the ideaShopping code by choosing one or more gift cards from the catalogue
Enter the ideaShopping code and finalize the order
Spend the gift card online or in the stores of the chosen brand. Happy shopping!
Already have a shopping code? Perfect!
On this platform you can convert not only ideaShopping codes, but also Fringe Benefit, Zucchetti Card, Petrol Coupons or Expense Card.
Click on the button at the top right "Do I have a Shopping Code?"
Consult the catalog and select one or more gift cards
Enter the shopping code as payment method and finalize the order
Spend the gift card online or in the stores of the chosen brand. Happy shopping!